
Value Stream Mapping Workshop at Relex: Session 2

Workshop Structure

Objective of Session 2

Now that we have a vision of the flow of work from session 1, the goal is to talk about what needs to be improved!

Session Structure

Flow and Waste in the Value Stream

In any value stream, there is always a direction of flow, and there is always one and only constraint (bottleneck); any improvement not made at that constraint is an illusion - taken from The DevOps Handbook (Kim et al., 2021)

Bottlenecks in the Value Stream Map

When we say there’s only one constraint, we don’t mean that there’s only one place slowing down the flow of work. There are multiple places where we can improve, but there is always one place that is slowing us down the most. The flow of work is like a line going from start to finish, and because work items move along the line, they have to go through the constraint, and because the constraint is the slowest point, the entire value stream moves at the speed of that constraint. If we improve a work center that is positioned before the constraint, work will merely pile up at the bottleneck even faster, waiting for work to be performed by the bottlenecked work center. On the other hand, if we improve a work center positioned after the bottleneck, it remains starved, waiting for work to clear the bottleneck.

Types of Waste in a Value Stream

Waste: is the largest threat to business viability. It is the use of any material or resource beyond what the customer requires and is willing to pay for. Eliminating waste reduces dull and boring work in our day-to-day, creating an ever-safer and more resilient system of work.

For each type of waste, I could have included a specific example from our team’s work. However, it is valuable to let the team identify the waste themselves in our value stream, together with the fact that we are looking at a specific deployment that we did. This keeps the discussion focused on a concrete example and away from hypothetical scenarios.

Key Discussion Points

This was inspired from Paula Thrasher’s presentaion at the 2020 DevOps Enterprise Summit

Session 2 Results


In this session, we read and talked about the different types of waste and then identified them in our value stream. Then we voted on the most important types of waste and talked about what we think is our constraint and the most annoying types of waste. This is a great chance for everyone to complain in the most productive way!

I can’t give too many details, but here are the 3 most important sources of waste that we identified in our value stream were:

Waste 1 - Defect:

Waste 2 - Non-Utilized Talent / Task Switching / Manual work:

Waste 3 - Non-Utilized Talent / Task Switching / Manual work:

Note that the constraint is not the waste itself. The waste is a symptom of the constraint, and it helps us find it.

We first thought that manual code deployments was our constraint because everything else depends on it, and it’s the slowest part (with a lead time of 21 days). On the other hand, after we deploy code to our environments, we’re not checking if the deployment caused any downtime.

We could first automate the deployments, but without knowing whether the service was still working or not, we could end up just causing chaos even faster. This ties back to what we talked about in Flow and Waste in the Value Stream.

In the end, we agreed that detecting possible deployment defects immediately and automatically was the most important improvement (our constraint), followed by automating code deployments, followed by automating the testing of features.

Now we have identified the waste in our value stream, and have prioritized it according to its impact. We’re now in a position to make a plan to tackle the waste, which we did in session 3.

Next steps

In the next article, I’ll go over what we did in session 2 and what results we achieved. Here’s what’s coming up:

I’d Love to Hear Your Thoughts

As we wrap this up, I’m excited to hear from you! Please add your feedback or questions here, I’ll get back to you.

Thank you for reading, have a great day!


This article was inspired from the following: